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stand BTICINO ,Intel ’97 MI

Outfitting of the BTICINO stand, Intel ’97 MI
(with G.Cavaglià, graphics I.Lupi)


For this edition of the Intel, Castiglioni realizes a great dimension stand (about 2000sqm), thought for hosting several products (about 500) and ideated as a interaction space with the public, the traders and the communication instruments – the graphic project is in fact developed in two magnitude orders, favoring the interpretation and overall reading from distance, and of the product from a close one. The outfitting is introduced over the façade by a feminine figure (drawn by Paolo Guidotti), icon of an “Electric Victory” that indicates to the visitor the main pavilion entrance. Inside, over the clearly delimited expositive surface, the designers – based on a public flow analysis – place a great luminous aisle, a sort of forum about 300m long. The gallery, straight line of white pillars and rectangular sections, is covered by a double pitch ceiling, from which ridge falls a great skylight, that intensively illuminates the entire reception and the long writings that run over the soffits. The exposition areas overlooking along this main route, where the products referred to the main sectors (civil, industrial, communications, distribution and control), activated and usable by the visitors, are contained in display walls, disposed along the pavilion perimeter and regrouped in isles, for a double sided vision. Developed in height, are characterized on the short sides by photographic images, in which still prevails the human figure, in various moments of the social life. A zone dedicated to offices, meeting rooms and services completes the outfitting.