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outfitting for the “Cappellini: identity, analogies, contradictions seen by Achille Castiglioni” Exhibition , Colonia

outfitting of the “Cappellini: identity, analogies, contradictions as seen by Achille Castiglioni” Museum fur Angewandte Kunst (Colonia)


In occasion of the Colonia Mobelmesse opening, the Museum fur Angewandte Kunst delivers its spaces to a company for the first time in its secular story, paying a significant recognition to the design Made in Italy. Castiglioni comments in 1997 the installation-outfitting ideated to present the Cappellini production: “Cute […]! Somewhat like mine [exhibition]. I have discussed it well first, asking for the freedom to proceed. This is how the exhibition has become Cappellini seen by Castiglioni […] taking the catalogue, which I didn’t knew, and chose. I placed the objects in a strange way, but this is how they are understood. The handles are the most important furniture part, that’s why we made it big. Then, there was the wave of chairs, the stairs. It was to change the atmosphere a little. We wanted to make a carpet, but we were not able to do it so we decided to paint one”. The pieces of each of the authors are rearranged and disposed over low wooden steps, generated by the slight inclination of the route. Castilgioni resumes the iterated ready-made technique, using object components to create assemblages that emphasize their essence: “I want this exhibition to be remembered not for a serious didactic representation, but for being a motive in understanding that this pieces are, overall, free and happy objects to used and not only to be contemplated”.